zOMG!! xD BRACELETZ!!! ^.^

Hey-o! Everyone on this sub has inspired me, so I decided to make a whole bunch of kandi-style bracelets for trading and handing out!! I'll be going to the festival on Sunday -- if you want a free souvenir, feel free to give me a poke and I'll be happy to give you one! :3 Let me know if there's any plans to meet up to trade, too!! (PLEASE god take one I entered into a fugue state and made Way too many and I have nowhere to put them all please help)

Hey-o! Everyone on this sub has inspired me, so I decided to make a whole bunch of kandi-style bracelets for trading and handing out!! I'll be going to the festival on Sunday -- if you want a free souvenir, feel free to give me a poke and I'll be happy to give you one! :3 Let me know if there's any plans to meet up to trade, too!! (PLEASE god take one I entered into a fugue state and made Way too many and I have nowhere to put them all please help)